Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The "Sanctity" of Marriage

This has been on my mind for a while, the "sanctity" of marriage. People who are opposed to gay marriage, often use this phrase, saying that if we let gay people marry each other, that it will ruin the sanctity of marriage. I pose a rebuttal to those folks; is the sanctity of marriage not already ruined due to the fact that people get benefits? I was once told that one of the reasons people don't want gay marriage legal is because two friends could get married and share benefits. If we really want to make marriage pure, and for pure love, shouldn't we just get rid of the benefits in general? If two people of the same sex can pretend to be in love and get married just for the benefits, why can't two people of the opposite sex? What do you think? Is the sanctity of marriage not already ruined? If it isn't, why not?


1 comment:

  1. Personally, I think that until the heterosexuals can do considerably better than a 50% divorce rate in this country, none of them/us should be judging other marriages.
